Community Center
—Examples of use in community centers—
【2017 Survey】
【From an interview with Marie persson, director of the school】
In the UK, there are many sensory rooms in community centers. The Bentil Community Center near Manchester Airport in the midwest of England offers a variety of activities for children and young people, and opens its sensory room to all age groups for relaxation and therapy at low cost. It is also a place where therapy sessions can be held, making it a place that local people can easily use for a variety of purposes.
This space is described on the Benchill community centre website as follows.
【This serene environment is also a place where parents/caregivers can bond with their children, providing a restful and peaceful experience in today’s busy and stressful lifestyle. It has many benefits for children and adults with special needs, as it creates a stimulating yet calm atmosphere, and among other things, helps improve eye-hand coordination and develop language skills. Children who are too active will calm down, and children who are not active will show curiosity.
All young children can benefit from using a sensory room to develop the basic sensory skills they will need later in life. sensory rooms are especially helpful for people with visual and hearing problems and have proven to be very valuable for people with autism spectrum disorder.】
In Japan, the image of a “snoezelen room” as a space for people with disabilities is strongly prevalent, and there are very few examples of its use for young children with normal development. However, the community center in the UK mentioned that this type of space can be useful for children with disabilities as well.
As a working mother myself, I understand well that mothers have other work to do after they get home. They probably don’t have time to relax at the daycare center where they pick up their children. The physical environment of the MSR and sensory room in Snoezren is a tool to change the emotions and behaviors of the subject, and the interview made me realize that Snoezren activities are born when the human environment of the caregiver is worked on.
From Our Activities
As of 2021, we have received more inquiries from public facilities and will be able to publish them by the end of 2022.
Stay tuned!