What is Snoezelen?
Snoezelen is an activity that uses light, sound, smell, vibration, and tactile materials to provide stimulation to the five senses for the purpose of well-being. Based on this philosophy, users spend special time in a creative environment (Snoezelen Room) where they are not directed by anyone. Originally created in the Netherlands as a leisure activity for people with severe intellectual disabilities, it has now spread to more than 45 countries, mainly in Europe, because it is a comfortable time and space for all people, and many nursery schools and childcare support facilities have adopted it.
About Snoezelen Lab.
Snoezelen is an activity that uses light, sound, smell, vibration, and tactile materials to provide stimulation to the five senses for the purpose of well-being. Based on this philosophy, users spend special time in a creative environment (Snoezelen Room) where they are not directed by anyone. Originally created in the Netherlands as a leisure activity for people with severe intellectual disabilities, it has now spread to more than 45 countries, mainly in Europe, because it is a comfortable time and space for all people, and many nursery schools and childcare support facilities have adopted it.
The SnoezelenLab. is engaged in the following activities.
CoordinatesWe coordinate the introduction of snooze rooms according to the purpose and target audience. Examples of coordination can be found on this page.
Planning and ProductionWe are planning and producing video and music for use in the Snoezelen Space and Sensory Room. Some of our works are available for purchase at our online store.
LecturesWe are holding a course for all people who want to know more about Snoezelen.
ResearchSome of the information compiled in papers and questionnaires through the practice and research of Snoezelen, which we started in 2010, is now available.
To all those who love children
Our main mission at SnoezelenLab. is to make Snoezelen’s concept of “every life has the right to be happy” commonplace in the world.